Human Resources Policy Manual Section-2 (EMPLOYMENT)




2.1  Principles of Employment.   _________ employment policies are based on the following guiding principles:


‐ Equality.   All applicants have equal opportunities of employment irrespective of their age, sex, marital status, pregnancy, family status, race, nationality or religion (provided that these do not impede the abilities of the prospective appointees to carry out normal duties or affect the health and safety of fellow employees). Job applicants are treated fairly and equally. Employment is offered only to the best qualified applicants with reference to their merits and abilities to meet the requirements of the jobs irrespective of whether they are referrals or direct applicants.


‐ Maintaining Organization Standard.   The steps and procedures being followed during the course of recruitment, selection and placement conform to the standards of the organization.


‐ Realistic Planning.   Appropriate HR planning is given due importance as the Group grows rapidly. It is the policy of _________ to recruit the best qualified people and to maintain a pool of human resources according to the manpower requirement and planning of _________.


‐ Placement. Ensuring the best match of skills is vital for the organization and thus it recruits competent persons in the right job at the right time. 


‐ Performance.      Throughout the complete recruitment process, efficiency and effectiveness is ensured in every step.


‐ Progress Centered.  The Organization is committed to develop its human resources to achieve the organization’s vision, goals and to explore and use all available development opportunities. It is also the policy of _________ to transfer or promote well performing and capable employees to fill vacancies so that employees are provided with opportunities to widen their exposure and further their career development within _________.


‐ Advice and Services.   The Human Resources Department provides recruitment advice and services to all divisions/departments and is responsible for the entire process leading to employment. _________ will not be bound by offers of employment other than by the Human Resources Department.


2.2 Manpower Plan and Control.


2.2.1      Aims of Manpower Planning.    The aims of manpower planning of _________ are:


  • To ensure that _________ acquires and retains the optimum number of employees with the required skills, expertise and competence;


  • To exercise effective control of staffing and the associated cost; and


  • To assist in optimum resources allocation so that potential manpower surplus or shortage can be anticipated and alleviated as much as possible.

2.2.2 Manpower Plan.   Human resource planning in _________ must be a part of the Organization’s overall plan. When drawing up human resource plans, it is important to take the following factors into consideration: 


‐ Potential/expected workload and expertise requirement and to ensure the optimum and effective utilization of the human resources for the entire Organization, both for current and future requirements. 


‐ Possibilities for greater efficiency through reorganization and the use of tools/facilities and making adjustments during expansion and contraction. 


‐ Employee transfer, promotion, periods of leave etc; designing and implementing plans to help achieve manpower objective. 


Human resources planning should start at the beginning of the year so that HR Department can co‐ordinate human resource planning process at the right time. Also, provision of budget is an important factor to take into consideration.


Heads of division/department are required to conduct a thorough review of the operations, structure and manpower of their divisions/departments each year, and furnish recommendations of manpower plan for the following year to the Human Resources Department by 31 December.


The Human Resources Department is responsible for reviewing the recommendations and compiling a corporate manpower plan for the coming year and gets it approved from the Board of Directors and circulate to all concerned. The manpower plan sets out the number of posts by level and by division/department.


2.2.3 Changes to the Approved Manpower Plan.   The manpower plan for the year, once approved by the Board, is regarded as official. No change is permitted unless major developments or functional requirements emerge. Any requisition of unbudgeted headcount needs the approval of the Board/Management.


2.2.4 Manpower Control.   In order to optimize human resources utilization and to maintain cost effectiveness, stringent manpower control should be exercised. Recruitment should only be carried out in accordance with the basis of operational needs and approved manpower plan. Whenever an employee leaves _________, the head of division/department should assess the manpower of his division/department to see if a replacement is necessary. Where a replacement is required, internal transfer or promotion should be considered before pursuing external recruitment.


2.2.5 Manpower Needs and Requisition. While requesting for filling the replacement of existing vacant position or new position, the concerned division/department will fill up a ‘Manpower Requisition From’ (Annex B) and send to HR Department. 


For a new position which is not already approved by the Management (Para 2.2.3 above), the   division/department shall resort to the following procedures: 


  1. New employee position should be discussed with Head of HR well in advance. In case a new position needs to be created, the division Head will submit a request to Head of HR for approval with proper justification (attaching a detailed job description). 


  1. Upon the approval of the Head of HR, the recruitment process will begin or wherever possible internal transfer or promotion will be made to fill up the vacant position.


  1. It is the function of HR to ensure consistency throughout the Organization in regards to the creation of any new position. HR will review and ensure that a position with similar responsibility is placed in the same grade level. 


2.3          Recruitment and Selection.


Effective recruitment and selection is central and crucial to the successful functioning of any organization. The purpose of recruitment of _________ is to acquire, in a cost effective manner, the optimum number of high quality employees for the operations and development of the Group. In order to appoint the most appropriate persons for the positions, it is crucial that potential candidates are drawn from a wide pool and equal opportunities are ensured for all candidates. 


_________ pursues an active recruitment and selection process to assure the availability of qualified applicants to meet its employment needs along with its strong belief in the principles of equal employment opportunity through affirmative action. 


2.3.1 General Recruitment Policies.   _________ is committed to recruit suitably qualified and experienced people for vacant positions and the following policies seek to ensure transparency and fairness throughout the recruitment process and maximize the diversity of applicants:


        1. Identifying and implementing standard selection procedures that are relevant to education, skills, training, experience and knowledge necessary for successful job performance.


        1. Implementing effective and appropriate recruiting, screening and selection procedures. 


        1. Conforming to the hiring procedures of the Country’s law and in line with the Organization’s requirements and financial situation. 


        1. From manpower requisition to the final placement, approximately 21 working days will be required. All concerned must follow the timeline strictly. 


        1. Individuals between the ages of 18‐50 years can be hired as regular employee of _________. 


        1. Under no circumstances a regular or contract employee of any other organization is allowed to undertake regular, long term of short term contract employment in _________. 


        1. All appointments in _________ shall conform to its existing position with grade and salary level. 


        1. In the spirit of internationalism, _________ may recruit senior and specialist employees from abroad in case suitable national employee could not be hired, upon approval of the Board of Directors. The employment status can be changed from regular to contract or vice versa. 


        1. HR and the associated executives will maintain absolute confidentiality of the implementation of any part of the recruitment process. No query will be responded or no information will be provided regarding the status of any recruitment until the entire process is complete. 


        1. It is an important role on the part of HR to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment methods, short‐listing criteria, testing tools being used etc. An evaluation is useful to validate hiring steps and subsequently adopt better selection procedures for the Organization. 


        1. HR will maintain an active database incorporating skills inventory of employees that may be used as a starting point for recruiting from within. 


        1. Assistant Manager and above positions in the Production/Quality Control Department and all other officer level positions including the drivers, electricians, boiler/lift operators, masons,  plumbers, messengers etc will be recruited from _________ corporate Office. The recruitment process will be accomplished by the HR Department of the corporate office. 


2.3.2      Classification of Management Staff.    Management Staff are classified as under:


        1. Senior Management Staff – Assistant General Manager and above.


        1. Mid-Level Management Staff –    Assistant Manager to Senior Manager


        1. Junior Level Management Staff – Trainee officer/Executive to Senior Officer 


2.3.3 Non‐ Management/ Other Staff.      Assistant, Messenger, Photo copy machine Operator, Peon, Driver, Cook, Cleaner, Caretaker, Guard, Electrician, Plumber, etc.


2.4    Selection Committees/Interview Panels.   Selection Committees/Interview Panels of different compositions shall be constituted as under to shortlist and interview the prospective candidates for different positions: 


      1. For  Senior Management Staff.


                                ‐ Chairman and / or Managing Director

                                ‐ One of the Directors

                                ‐ Senior General Manager

                                ‐ Any other professional co‐opted as necessary


      1. For Mid Level Management Staff.


                                ‐ Managing Director and/ or one of the Directors

                                ‐ Senior General Manager

                                ‐ Chief Financial Officer

                                ‐ Head of HR, Corporate Office

                                ‐ Head of Department

                                ‐ Any other professional co‐opted as necessary


      1. For Junior Level Management Staff.


                                ‐  One of the Directors

                                ‐  Senior General Manager

                                ‐  Chief Financial Officer

                                ‐  Head of HR, Corporate Office

                                ‐  Head of Department

                                ‐  Any other professional co‐opted as necessary


      1. For Non‐ Management/ Other Staff.


‐ Director

                                ‐ Senior General Manager

                                ‐ Head of HR, Corporate Office

                                ‐ Head of Department

                                ‐ Any other professional/Head of Department co‐opted as necessary


2.5          Final Selection.     Final selection will be made/ approved as under:


        1. Senior Management Staff – Board of Directors/Chairman/Managing Director
        2. Mid Level Management Staff – Chairman/ Managing Director
        3. Junior Level Management Staff ‐ Managing Director
        4. Non‐ Management & Other Staff – Managing Director/ One of the Directors


2.6          Sourcing Methods   Generally, one or more of the following recruitment approaches, to be decided by the Selection Committee to identify interested and suitable candidates.


      1. Internal Sources. Internal candidates suitably qualified with the relevant and required expertise and experience should be given preference for the vacant or new positions.  Appointments may be made by the way of promotion, up‐gradation, transfer etc. No one is allowed to apply for appointment during probation period. Promoting internal employees on the basis of succession planning may also be looked into. As a usual procedure, job vacancies in _________ will be advertised through internal notices. 


      1. External Sources.               


a. Advertisement.     Advertising the post helps communicate clearly and openly to the public the requirements of the position and the selection criteria which apply. The methods for advertising the post shall include:


          • Advertising in the local and international press and journals; and/or
          • Advertising on _________ website and/or recruitment websites.


        1. Request to Other Organizations.    In some cases, if deemed necessary, _________ may request other organizations to circulate job vacancy among their employees. Job vacancy advertisement may be posted in their notice boards as well. 


        1. Employee Referrals.      Employees of the Organization may refer prospective job seekers to HR Department. Employees with hard‐to‐find job skills may know others who may meet the desired job requirements and do the same work. In such case, employee referral method may be useful. 
        2. Walk‐ins and Write‐ins.      Often job seekers arrive at HR Department in search of a job ‐ they are walk‐in people. Write‐ins are those who send their curriculum vitae or resume for suitable position. Both groups may be asked to fill up an application form and their relevant information may be kept in active database file for any suitable position in future. Based on their suitability, they may be called for interview against any vacant position.


        1. Executive Search.    Recruitment consultants can tap into private sector networks and are skilled at promoting opportunities to potential candidates. They can reach a wide pool of candidates, and can reduce the time burden on the Selection Committee. In using executive search, the following points shall be considered:


          • In selecting the search consultant, international search firm with good reputation, extensive global search experience and proven track record shall be considered;


          • The consultant should show a commitment to diversity and equality issues, and demonstrate how such commitment is reflected in its practice and approach; and


          • Precise job descriptions and job specifications should be agreed between the consultant and the Selection Committee.


f. Others Depending on circumstances, other professional/employment agencies, educational institutes, technical institutes and journals may be chosen to give wider coverage of job openings. 


2.7          Application Form Collection.


      1. HR Department collects job applications against each vacancy announcement. There should be a minimum period of 10 working days from the date of vacancy announcement and receipt of job application. 


      1. All applications are sequentially numbered in HR. Usually applications will not be accepted if received after the deadline.


      1. In applying for posts, all candidates will be provided with a job description together with an outline of the qualifications and experiences which they are expected to possess; details of the appropriate conditions of service and about the Company and if possible, an indication of the date (or week) when interviews will be held. 


      1. Applicants will be required to supply his/her CV containing educational and other professional/technical qualifications, experiences, personal details, recent photographs and names and addresses of two people from whom references can be obtained, one of which should normally be the applicant's current or most recent employer. 


      1. Applicants will also be required to declare if they are related to any member of staff within the Company. Canvassing of members of the Company is not permitted. No manager should be put into a position where he or she is asked to interview a person to whom he/she is related.
      2. Those, who have been regretted within last six months period are not allowed to apply for any position and within one year, a candidate can not appear for more than two selection tests. 


      1. It is the Company’s policy not to communicate further with applicants other than those who are shortlisted. 


      1. All completed applications forms are private and confidential and should only be made available to those directly involved in the recruitment and selection process.


      1. All application forms will be collated by HR Department and supplied to the interview panel for short listing purposes.


2.8          Selection Method/Process.


2.8.1 Steps in the Selection Process.  Generally the following steps will be followed in the selection process:

Steps in the Selection Process


2.8.2  Interview: 

â–ª        Interviews will be held by a panel as mentioned in Para 2.4 above.


â–ª A set of questions will be agreed by the interview panel in advance and will be developed from the current job description for the post. The panel will seek to develop questions which ask the candidates to give examples of their previous relevant experience.

â–ª All candidates will be asked the same questions in the same order, and their responses will be rated between 1 and 10. The panel will each have a copy of the questions and will mark independently during the interview. Time is allocated between interviews for the panel to discuss each candidate and to reach a total points score (Sample of an Interview Evaluation Sheet is given at Annex C).


â–ª It should be remembered that an interview is a two way process, and candidates will be given every opportunity to ask questions about the Company, to ensure that they have a full understanding of the post for which they are applying and the way the Company operates.


â–ª All appointments will be made strictly on merit and related to the requirements of the job.


â–ª All interviewed candidates will be notified of the outcome of the selection process as soon as possible, either by telephone or letter.


â–ª All unsuccessful candidates’ application forms and interview notes will be retained for two years from the date of interview. After this date they will be destroyed.


â–ª       Candidates attending an interview will not be reimbursed any travelling/daily allowances or any expenses incurred.


A list of suggested interview techniques/tips is given at (Annex D)


2.8.3 Medical examination.    In _________, for certain posts the job offer is dependent on passing medical examination conducted by the Organization nominated diagnostic center. The medical examination is conducted once preliminary decision for recruitment is made but the employment offer has not yet given. The purpose for a medical examination is to obtain information on the health status of the applicant being considered of performing the job. The organization will bear all the medical examination costs. HR will proceed after receiving the medical findings with the final comment from the diagnostic centre that the applicant is physically and mentally fit for employment. 


2.8.4      Selection Criteria.    The following two sets of selection criteria shall be considered in the recruitment process:


  1. Shortlist Criteria.     The shortlist criteria shall focus on the factual requirements of the job specification. In short‐listing candidates for interview, the following factors shall be considered:


        1. Academic, professional and technical qualifications;
        2. Relevant work experience; and
        3. Leadership and management experience. 


  1. Final Selection Criteria.   The final selection criteria are applied to evaluate the evidence gathered through interviews and discussions following the initial shortlist. The final selection criteria shall focus on, inter alia, personal qualities, attributes and competencies, past performance, aspirations, potentials, communication and interpersonal skills, professional and personal integrity.


      1. Reference Check. Reference check shall be conducted at the final stage of the selection process with prior permission of the selected candidate or shall be conducted immediately after the candidate has accepted _________’s offer of employment, whichever is practicable. All offers shall only be finalized subject to the receipt of satisfactory references. If a candidate is found to have provided false information or have misrepresented any information or have not disclosed any material facts in his or her application, it shall be deemed to be sufficient grounds for _________ to withdraw the offer or terminate his or her service summarily, as the case may be.


      1. Clearance and Release order. Clearance / release letters have to be submitted to HR at the time of joining of any previously employed personnel. Except in especial circumstances joining of no employee will be accepted without clearance/release order being produced from the last employer.                                    


    1. Offer and Approval.


2.10.1 When a suitable candidate is identified, the HR Department will discuss with the Management on the terms and conditions to be offered to the candidate. In determining the entry grade and salary of a prospective employee, the following factors will be considered:


  • Academic, professional and technical qualifications and working experience;
  • Job knowledge and technical know‐how;
  • Recent earnings;
  • Prevailing market rate of the vacant position;
  • Availability of suitable candidates in the market;
  • Internal relativity of _________; and
  • Job grade and salary range of the vacant position.


2.10.2 Approval.     The approval authorities for the recruitment of all positions are as under:


Grade   1              ‐ Board of Directors/Chairman/Managing Director


Grade 2‐7            ‐ Chairman/Managing Director


Grade 8‐13          ‐ Managing Director


2.11 Contract Agreement/Appointment letter.      After obtaining the approval of appropriate authority (Para 2.10.2) the selected candidates shall be engaged by:


      1. Contract Agreement.   A Contract Agreement will be signed by the employer and the employee of the grades 5 and above. In certain cases the agreement may be made on appropriate non‐judicial stamps. The contract will be signed as under:


‐     Grades ‐1 and above      ‐  Chairman/Managing Director

‐     Grades  2 ‐5                        ‐  Senior General Manager  ‐ for and on behalf of the Chairman/ 

   Managing Director   


      1. Appoint Letter.      Appointment letters will be issued to the selected candidates for grades 6 to 12 by the Senior General Manager for and on behalf of the Chairman/Managing



    1. Joining Report.     New employees and staffs are required to submit their joining report to the concerned departmental head/Head of HR on the first day of reporting to the job. The ‘Joining Report’ form is given at (Annex E). The form signed by the employee   and through the departmental head, is sent to the HR Department at the corporate office/factory site/respective office.


Upon receiving the joining report of employees, an ‘Welcome Message’ will be circulated to all concerned mentioning the particulars of the newly joined employee (for Managers and above).  The HR & Admin Department will issue employee ID card assigning an employee code number within a week from receiving the joining report.


On joining the candidate will fill – up the prescribed ‘Employee Personal Information’  form (Shown at Annex F) containing   information on personal, family, health, education, training, language proficiency, employment history, personal references etc. which will be kept with the personal file maintained by HR Department.  

    1. Intimation to the Accounts/Finance Department.    A copy of the Contract Agreement/ Offer Letter shall be forwarded to A & F Dept which is responsible for setting up the new employee’s record on the payroll system.


    1. Worker Recruitment.    Recruitment of the workers and employees pertaining to the factory/production units will be guided by the HR policies of that particular factory/production unit.


    1. Personal File of the New Employee.


  • A personal file for each individual employee will be opened by the HR Department of corporate office/factory starting from the date of his/ her appointment.


  • Respective factory HR Department is responsible to maintain the original file of the employees recruited at the factory level. 


2.15.1. Contents of Personal File.    A personal file will contain contract agreement/ appointment letter, CV, photocopy of NID/passport/birth certificate, job application, copy of certificates and licenses, interview and test related papers, reference letters, current job description, important correspondences on leave/medical records, performance appraisals, employee’s status and salary changes including transfer, increment, promotion, disciplinary actions and any communications with regard to him or her on personal matters. 


      1. Access to Personal Information.    The personal file is treated as a confidential document. All personal files are maintained by HR officer or the assigned person as delegated except the one that belongs to himself/herself.  All personal documents are confidential and therefore, access to employee’s personal file is restricted to all other employees. 


      1. Staff Record.   Employees should inform the HR Department of any change in their personal data. They should complete and submit a ‘Change in Personal Information’ form (Annex G) with copies of supporting documents, if any, to the HR Department as and when the changes occur. Timeliness of submission of the form is important as it may affect the payroll arrangements and/or benefit entitlements of the employees and their dependants.



2.16      Induction Policy.


      1. General Policy Statement.     _________ believes that all new employees should be given timely induction training. This training is regarded as a vital part of staff recruitment and integration into the working environment. This policy, associated procedures and guidelines define the Company’s commitment to ensure that all employees are supported during the period of induction, to the benefit of the employee and the Company alike.


      1. Aim.     This induction policy, associated procedures and guidelines aim to set out general steps for managers and staff to follow during the induction process. The Company expects that the implementation of good induction practice by HR Department/Head of the Departments will:


  • Enable new employees to settle into the Company quickly and become productive and efficient members of staff within a short period of time. 


  • Ensure that new entrants are highly motivated and that this motivation is reinforced. 


  • Assist in reducing staff turnover, lateness, absenteeism and poor performance. 


  • Assist in developing a management style where the emphasis is on leadership. 


  • Ensure that employees operate in a safe working environment.


  • Will reduce costs associated with repeated recruitment, training and lost production.  


2.16.3 Induction Procedures.


  • The selected candidates will be placed under an orientation or socialization program designed to provide them with the information needed to discharge their duties comfortably and effectively. The induction/orientation program and its duration are determined by the HR Department in consultation with the concerned department.


  • On their first day of employment, new recruits will usually report to the HR Department to complete the engagement formalities and attend a brief Company introduction before they report for duty to the designated division/department.


  • Heads of Division/Department should arrange for new employees' job introduction once they have reported for duty. New employees will also be invited to attend a Staff Orientation Program conducted by the HR Department to help them better understand the mission, objectives and organization structure of _________, as well as its rules and regulations, and code of conduct.


  • A suggested sequence of induction procedure is given below:
  • rmg

     2.17 Probationary Period.   The purpose of the probationary period is to allow time for new employees and _________ to ensure that their expectations on employment and job performance are met.


    2.17.1 Policy.


    â–ª Unless otherwise stated in the contract/appointment letter of employment, employees are required to undergo a probationary period as under: 


        1. Grades 2  to 5  ‐ 03 months
        2. Grades  6  to 13  ‐ 06 months

     â–ª If a resigned employee rejoins _________ in the same department or in a capacity in which the job nature is similar to his previous position, the probationary period may be waived at the discretion of the Management. However, if an employee rejoins _________ in a different department or in a position where the job nature is different from his previous position, a probationary period may be required in order to ensure that the employee is suitable for the job.


    2.18 Feedback Report and Confirmation.    Before completing the probation period (if any),

    HR Department will obtain a feedback report/recommendation from the head of the department of the employee (Annex H) as under:


    ‐ The employee will fill up Section 1 and handover to the Dept Head 20 (twenty) working days before the completion of the Probation Period.

    ‐ The Dept Head will fill up Section 2 and handover to HR Dept 15 (fifteen) working days before the completion of the Probation Period.

    ‐ The Head of HR will fill up Section 3 and discuss with the Management and obtain confirmation or otherwise 12 (twelve) working days before the completion of the

    Probation Period.

    ‐ The employee must be notified in writing the confirmation or otherwise before expiry of the probation period.


    On receipt of the approval/comments/observations of the competent authority a letter (Annex J) shall be issued with a copy to the concerned head of department. It would confirm his/ her permanent position in the organization or extend the period of probationary period or terminate his/her service. 


    2.19 Extension of Probationary Period OR Termination of Employment. If the Head of Department considers that the performance or working attitude of a new employee is not satisfactory and a longer period of observation is required, the employee will be requested to undergo an extended probationary period, normally for another three months. Employees who perform unsatisfactorily or are not suitable for the job may be terminated at any time in accordance with the policy for termination. 


    2.20        Full time Service.


  • Unless otherwise distinctly provided, the full time of an employee of _________ is at the disposal of _________ and he/she may be employed on the work of _________ in any place without claim for additional remuneration. 

  • No employee shall take admission into any school or college or any other training institution as a regular student/trainee without obtaining written permission from the Managing Director who, however, shall have the exclusive right to refuse such permission for reasons of his own. 

  • An employee will not be entitled to involve himself/herself in any other business or profession except with the written permission from the Managing Director of _________. 

    2.21 Transfer/Change of Designation and Duties.   Internal transfer gives employees opportunities to widen their exposure and pursue development in other streams within _________.  It also enables the Group to deploy employees to areas where they can best contribute to and meet the manpower requirement and planning of _________.


    2.21.1. Policy.


  • It is the policy of _________ to consider internal transfer for existing employees whenever a suitable job opportunity arises. All things being equal, preference will be given to internal candidates so that employees are provided with opportunities to widen their exposure and further their career development within _________.

  • All employees should have equal opportunities for transfer. It should be nondiscriminatory and based on job related factors. Age, sex, marital status, family status, nationality or religion should not be considerations for transfer.

  • The Management may transfer an employee from one post to another or form one place to another or make such changes in his/her designation, duties and responsibilities from time to time or at any time as it may deem necessary. Such transfer or change shall not, however, be made to the disadvantage of the employee concerned in respect of pay and status.
  • As one of the main reasons for transfer is career development, frequent transfer is not encouraged. Employees should remain in their positions for at least one year before any transfer is considered. 

    2.22        Promotion/Demotion


    2.22.1 Policy


  • Whilst the Management reserves the right to appoint the most suitable person to any particular post, whether an internal candidate or external one, it is the Company’s policy to promote from within whenever and wherever possible.

  • The basic principles of promotion in _________ are equal opportunities, nondiscriminatory and the best person for the job. All promotions shall be made on the merit of each case and no employee shall have a claim to be promoted to any particular post or grade by virtue of seniority alone. Promotions shall be made on the senioritycum‐merit basis, subject to availability of vacancies. All promotion shall have to be approved by the Management.

  • Selection for promotion should be based on merit with due consideration of the following factors:

    • Job knowledge and technical know‐how;
    • Competence and potential;
    • Performance and quality of work;
    • Academic/professional/technical qualifications;
    • Honesty, integrity and commitment to work;
    • Working attitude and interpersonal skills; 
    • Personal attributes and tact; and
    • Dedication to work.

  • Whenever vacancies arise, the Heads of Departments should consider the possibility of promoting existing employees from within before recruiting externally.

    a.  Under normal circumstances, Heads of Departments may recommend promotion for their employees, if they meet the requirements and are suitable for the vacant position. Alternatively, employees who fulfill the requirements and consider themselves suitable for the vacant positions may apply for the positions by responding to internal vacancy announcements.


  • Under exceptional circumstances, promotions driven by business/operational needs, individual merit and competency, and/or added responsibilities will be considered on a case‐by‐case basis. Special promotion may be given to an employee for outstanding performance on record, devotion to duties, initiative and drive in discharge of duties, regardless of the seniority and rank.

  • To be eligible for promotion to the next higher grade, employees should have demonstrated potential for further development and possess relevant experience, qualifications and attributes prescribed for the position. As a general rule, they should have served in their present job for a minimum period of 12 months.

  • Normally, employees will be promoted to positions which are one grade higher than their current ones, and their new job titles have to be in line with _________'s titles.

  • On promotion to a higher grade, employees will normally receive the entry pay of the new grade or a promotional increase which is equitable to other employees of the new grade. They will also be eligible for benefits applicable to the new grade.

  • Should an employee officiating/acting in a higher post shows sign of deterioration or inefficiency and fails to improve even after proper notice served on him/her, he/she shall be reverted to the grade of his/her previous appointment

    2.22.2 Procedure.


  • Head of Department should recommend for promotion generally in the performance appraisal form in addition to increment/enhancement of salary. In exceptional cases they may initiate a separate recommendation for promotion any time with full justification.

  • The HR Department will review the recommendation and ensure that appropriate approval is obtained from the competent authority.

  • Upon approval of the promotion, the HR Department will prepare a letter incorporating all changes in terms and conditions of employment and send the letter to the promoted employees. They are required to sign and return a copy of the letter to the HR Department, signifying acceptance of the new terms and conditions. (A sample promotion letter is given at Annex K). 

    2.23        Seniority.


  • The seniority of an employee shall be calculated on his / her joining the service in a particular post.

  • Separate post‐wise seniority list shall be maintained for each category of employee.

  • If more persons than one are recruited at a time, the seniority shall be determined in the order of merit fixed by the Selection Committee. 

  • If more than one person from the same batch in the same category of posts and scale of pay is promoted in the same day, the seniority shall be determined by the Management.

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